BioArt 1st Project Meeting  in Zaporizhzhia National Technical University (ZNTU)
Анастасия Сергиенко
On Oct. 3-4 Prof. Vasyl Yefremenko, D.Sc.(Eng), Head of the Department of Physics, BioArt implementer of project curricula and programs and Kateryna Polupanova, Head of International Projects Dept., BioArt project manager, as the representatives of PSTU, participated at 1st Project Meeting in Zaporizhzhia National Technical University.

Consortium gathered together to summaries the first year of BoiArt project results. David Luengo, project coordinator from Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain) made presentation on First year planning and resultsю. Galyna Tabunshchyk, BioArt coordinator for Ukraine (ZNTU) presented project results in Ukraine. Consortium discussed dissemination strategy and quality management as well.

To improve collaboration between  BioArt project Universities and stakeholders, Round Table – Knowledge Triangle in Artificial Implants in BioEngineering were conducted. Specialists, who are not official project partners, but highly experienced in artificial implants implementation presented their modern achievements:

  1. Modern approach to the implants in the orthopedic surgery and traumatology (motivation and perspectives) (Dr. Full Prof. Inga Fedotova, Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology of National Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences);
  2. Implants in Ophtalmology: Reality and Prospects (Assoc. Prof., MD, PhD. Maxym Bezugly, Ophtalmology department of Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, vitreoretinal surgeon, Visus ophthalmological clinic);
  3. Bio-soluble magnesium alloys for osteosynthesi (Prof. Vadym Shalomeev, Zaporizhzhia National Technical University);
  4. Experimental trial – clinical substantiation of osteosynthesis by implants from magnesium based alloys (PhD, Vadym Chornij, Zaporizhzhia State Medical University).

Innovative projects in Bio-Engineering sessions provided opportunity to learn about modern challenges in the field of artificial implants: Implants Production at JSC Motor-Sich (Olexij Zeleniyk, Vice Director in Mass Production) and Innovative projects by “Infocom” (Eduart Trotsenko).

To see how the implants production works, BioArt partners visited the implant production line JSC “Motor-Sich”.

On Oct.5 BioArt Ukrainian team met National Erasmus+ Office (NEO Ukraine) with monitoring mission. All aspects of BioArt project implementation were presented by Ukrainian partners. Interviews with project teams from UA partner universities, review and discussion of project documentation, publications or other project deliverables produced within a project outputs were discussed for preliminary monitoring conclusions of NEO Ukraine team. The results of monitoring will be published at BioArt page as soon as BioArt Ukrainian partners receive the recommendations from Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency. Follow the news on the BioArt web page.

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