1st BIOART Workshop on biomaterials to nanostructures
Анастасия Сергиенко
25 – 29 June 2018 at Cracow University of Technology (CUT), Poland, the 1st BIOART Workshop on biomaterials to nanostructures took place under the BioArt project Innovative Multidisciplinary Curriculum in Artificial Implants for Bio- Engineering BSc/MSc Degrees (586114-EPP-1-2017-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP)

The delegation from PST was represented by Оlexander . Azarkhov – Dr (Medicine) , Prof., the Head of the Dept of Biomedical Engineering, Kojfman Olexiy Olexandrovich  PhD, Associate professor of the Department of automation and computer technologies and Oleynik Inna, PhD Associate professor of the Department of Materials Science and Advanced Technologies

The event was conducted at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and was opened by welcome  speech of  Prof Jerzy Sładek, Dean of this Faculty, PhD David Luengo García UPM, Project Coordinator from Madrid,  Janusz Mikuła, project Coordinator for CUT and  Grzegorz Milewski, Prof of CUT, Head of of the Department Experimental Mechanics and Biomechanics.

The trainings include several sections:

  • Presentations on project managment: Team effectiveness: communication & teamwork, cope with differences, attain mutual goals, Bologna Process, the higher educational system in the EU and Coordination meeting: dissemination / publications, sustification of travel/staff costs and reporting
  • Presentation on educational content: Development of biomedical embedded systems with commercially of the shelve components, Digital Systems Design – interfacing with an I2C sensor, Biomaterials, Introduction to 3D printing for biomedical applications Computer simulations of multibody models in biomechanical engineering Nanostructures and nanocapsules

The most interesting and important were workshops in laboratory on

 Bio-ceramics,  3D printing for biomedical applications and : Biomaterials

 All curriculum, which were presented in the BIOART Workshop are planed to implement in PSTU study process.

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