Crisis and Risk-Engineering for Transport Services 2019/04/17

- Автор
- Анастасия Сергиенко
- Опубліковано
- 2019/04/17
- Перегляди
- 1
- Коментарі
- 0
On March 26, 2019, the Faculty of Transport Technologies presented the CRENG project for teachers and students of the Pryazovskyi State Technical University. The presentation highlighted the main directions of the project implementation for next three project years, the project’s objectives and expected results.
The presentation touched on the problems of the transport system of Ukraine on the way of its integration into the European environment, qualifications and competencies of specialists, who could develop a mechanism of well-thought assessment of risks and the ways of their minimizing.
Igor Pirch, the CRENG Project Coordinator for PSTU, told about modern challengers, trends and ways of modernizing the transport system, mechanisms and tools which will be implemented during the CRENG project. The coordinator stressed that the project’s objectives are fully in line with the main priorities of a comprehensive formation of transport policy and effective public administration, the main directions of the transport sector’ development for the period till 2030, as stated in the Agreement on Association between Ukraine and the European Union, which is confirmed by the Law of Ukraine No. 1678- VII of 16.09.2014 and the National Transport Strategy of Ukraine for the period till 2030.
One of the tools, which provide the opportunity for employers to engage modern specialists will be the development of ” Skills Wallets “, the strategy of implementation of which was presented at the seminar by Andriy Lyamzyn, Head of the Department Organization of International Transportation and Logistics , Associate Professor; Ph.D.” Skills Wallet ” is a model to acquire certain skills, necessary for a particular position by future employees. The ” Skills Wallet ” will help universities and enterprises to understand each other’s needs, increase graduates’ employment, and make enterprises more flexible in innovations’ implementation.
The working group of the project has focused on the quality of the curricula development , their relevancy to National and European standards. During the project, it is planned to develop a project quality control plan and conduct a series of surveys among the CRENG target groups.