In the framework of the project, the PSTU received the latest equipment: two micro-meters and a metallographic microscope

For MESO creation and realization of project objectives, PSTU was provided with the latest equipment: two Micro Vickers bench hardness testers NOVOTEST TS-MCV1 and metallographic microscope MІKROTEH MMT-14TS.

ОAt the same time on the basis of the Metallurgical Faculty of PSTU Materials Information Technology Laboratory – MITL was created. The laboratory is equipped with eleven modern computers provided by European Union in the framework of the project MMATENG. The latest software allows students to study upgraded and implemented during MMATENGG project curricula, focusing on the modern European tendencies and taking into account the requirements of employers.



Berlin 2nd -5th of December 2015 , at TU Berlin, Institute for Space Technologies, project coordinator from Ukraine, Prof. Oleksandr Cheiliakh participated in trainings on implementation of activities of Material Engineering Service-Office (MESO) infrastructure in target universities. The main objective was to unite all service offices of partner universities into the Unified European Entrepreneurial Center. The main idea is Commercialization of scientific and research activities in universities, development of scientific and technological parks, spin off companies and start ups.

Such well known EU Universities as Brunel (UK), Vilnius Gedeminos Technical University (Lithuania), KU Leuven (Belgium) and Thomas Moore (Belgium) sheared theirs experience with participators of the training.

Resume of the training was the development of joint strategy of networking of MESO on regional/national/international levels.


The Fair presented a wide choice of educational institutions for school leavers – future applicants

On June 6, 2015, Annual Job Fair took place in the City Park of Mariupol The Fair presented a wide choice of educational institutions for school leavers – future applicants. A lot of information on university degree programmes (bachelor and master), colleges of our city was posted on the stands .

In addition, Pryazovskyi State Technical University offered information about reviewing and modernising the BA and MA curricula in Material Engineering in line with the best European educational practices implemented in the framework of «MMATENG» TEMPUS project.

MMATENG informational banner and flyers attracted great interest among high school pupils. After visiting the Job Fair a lot of them made a decision to apply for Dept. of Metal Science and Heat Treatment of Metals (Head of Dept. Prof. Aleksandr Cheiliakh), and for Dept. of Material Science (Head of Dept Prof. Leonid Malinov ) who participate in MMATENG project

Sergey Matvienkov, People’s Deputy and PSTU graduate, visited the JF and highly appreciated information on professions and «MMATENG» project presented by PSTU.

Within the framework of the Days of Europe Mariupol PSTU was visited by the delegates of the European Union and the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

15 May, 2015 in the framework of ‘European days in Ukraine” representatives of European Parliament visited PSTU.

Composition of the delegation:
Deputies of EP:

People Deputies of Ukraine
Mariya Ionova Deputy Head of the Committee of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on European Integration.
Andrey Lopushanskyi, member of the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada
Petras Vaitiekūnas, Ambassador of Lithuania to Ukraine (2010-2014)

The meeting was focused on the integration of Ukrainian education system in the European environment. MMATENG project was presented to the guests of the University as one of the most important projects, aimed at upgrading and updating of study process in Ukrainian universities to bring the education system to European standards.

19 May, 2015 PSTU welcomed European diplomats.

Ian Tombinski EU Ambassador to Ukraine, Frederik de Touchet, First Counselor of the French Embassy to Ukraine, Detlef Wolter, Consul of Germany to Ukraine, Slawomir Matuzhak, Second Secretary of the Embassy of Poland took part in a question-answer dialogue with students and academic staff. The main theme was the participation of PSTU students and teachers in integration educational programs of the EU.

Special focus of EU representatives was on PSTU participation in MMATENG project. Diplomats noted the active participation of academic staff and students in the project and important role of the project in the process of recognition of the PSTU diplomas, which enhances employability of Ukrainian graduates in Europe, opens up new career prospects and boosts the international image of the University.


Working visit to Cracow Technical University named after Tadeusz Kosciuszko

07.12.2014 г.  –12.12.2014 Coordinator for Ukraine, Prof. Alexandr Cheiliakh visited Institute of Engineering Materials “Krakow Polytechnics”.

The aim of the visit was giving pilot lectures in the framework “MMATENG” project on “Perspective Strengthening Technologies of Materials Treatment”, which is on the list of 11 disciplines recommended to be implemented into the Material Engineering curricula. 3 groups of master students were offered 3 lectures each.

In the framework of MMATENG + Prof. A. Cheiliakh visited AGH University of Science and Technology. The academic programmes for MA and BA in Material Engineering on Metal Science, Applied Material Science, Thermal Treatment were passed on for comparison and scheduling semester or year studies in Poland.

Обсуждение перспектив дальнейшего сотрудничества. Кинга Корниенко-ведущий специалист департамента международных отношений Института инженерии материалов, А.П. Чейлях- проректор по научно-педагогической работе, доктор технических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой металловедения и термической обработки металлов, координатор MMATENG по Украине, Януш Микула- директор Института инженерии материалов

The visit resulted in approval of new ways of collaboration and widening of opportunities for realization of MMATENG objectives. This activities will bring new positive results for partner universities as well as for MMATENG project taken as a whole.