Модернізація навчальних планів дворівневої програми підготовки (бакалаври/магістри) з інженерного матеріалознавства на основі компетентнісного підходу та найкращого досвіду з впровадження положень Болонського процесу
The aim of the conference was to introduce the local mass media to the results of the Coordination Meeting in Tel-Aviv University, Israel. Representatives of Mariupol mass media and TV channels, PSTU teachers and students took part in the press-conference. The 1-st year students of Material Science were particularly interested in the project activities. Prof. Aleksandr Cheiliakh, Coordinator for Ukraine and PSTU, told about the reached agreements and the perspectives of project developments. A special focus was made on the upcoming trainings of PSTU teachers at the university in Belgium – KU Leuven.
Nov 3-5, 2014: Coordination Meeting of TEMPUS-MMATENG Consortium members was held at the University of Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Prof. Aleksandr Cheiliakh, Coordinator for Ukraine and PSTU, D.Sc., Vice-Rector for Science and Pedagogics took part in the meeting. On the first day A.P.Cheiliakh made a presentation on the activities of PSTU Working Group during the 11 months project implementation. He also visited the study and research labs of the University of Tel-Aviv. Another point on the meeting agenda was presentation on the courses in material science developed at the partner universities. Prof. Cheiliakh introduced the audience to a new discipline recommended for the updated curricula and had a master-class on Perspective Strengthening Technologies of Materials Treatment
On the last day of the MMATENG meeting at Jerusalem College of Engineering the participants were exposed to the newest developments in the field of material science.
The Coordination Meeting resulted in inter-university partnership agreements. The training programmes were discussed and approved. The trainings for the teachers of PSTU and other UA partners are to be held at the leading universities in Europe.
10-11 March, 2014: Start-up Conference of TEMPUS Project on Modernization of two cycles (MA, BA) of competence-based curricula in Material Engineering according to the best experience of Bologna Process, 543994-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-BE-TEMPUS-JPCR (MATTENG) was held at KU Leuven, Antwerpen, Belgium, the Grant Holder. The project Coordinator on EU side is Prof. Dr. Peter Arras.
Prof. Aleksandr Cheiliakh, PSTU Vice-Rector and Project Coordinator for Ukraine, made a presentation on the first day of the conference with the information about Pryazovskyi State Technical University and its two departments which provide training and offer degrees in Material Science: Dept. of Metal Science and Heat Treatment of Metals and Dept. of Material Science. The next day there was a thorough discussion of the most important aspects of modernization of the existing curricula for bachelor and master degree programmes in Material Science aimed at innovations and optimization of the academic process. The Conference resulted in working out a coordination plan of joint activities.
The project Workplan envisages upgrading the curricula and study programmes on Engineering Material Science, setting up service-offices, developing a joint WEB platform, purchasing and installation of state-of-art equipment and software packages.
From left to right: Alexander Cheiliah (Mariupol, Ukraine), Mykola Melnychuk (Lutsk, Ukraine), Peter Aras (Leyuven, Belgium), Petro Savchuk (Lutsk, Ukraine), Arnold Sterenhartz (Berlin, Germany)Alexander Cheiliah: Presentation SHEI “PGTU” materials science departments activity