International Scientific and Methodic Conference

On January 20-21, 2021 International Scientific and Methodic Conference “Crisis and Risk Engineering for Transport Services was conducted in the framework of Erasmus + CRENG project.

The organizer of the Conference was Pryazovskyi State Technical University. The conference summarized 2 years of fruitful cooperation in the capacity building of in the field of higher education at transport area. During years Pryazovskyi State Technical University keeps leading position in Easten Ukraine in the education of high level specialist in transport and thanks to CRENG PSTU became more global oriented and bring the educational process more close to the European system of higher education. That is why this conference focused on the best European practices and methodology of teaching the disciplines on Crisis and Risk Engineering for Transport Services, which are based on the deep scientific researches.

Dr. Natalia Zakharenko, Dean of the Faculty of Transport Technologies at the Pryazovskyi State Technical University (Ukraine ) on behalf of the Organizational Committee opened the Conference.

Prof. Oleksandr Cheiliakh – Vice Rector of the Pryazovskyi State Technical University ( Ukraine), Prof. Marianna Jacyna –CRENG Project Coordinator, Warsaw University of Technology ( Poland), Dr. Konrad Lewczuk – CRENG Project Manager, Warsaw University of Technology ( Poland), Dr. Svitlana Shytikova – the Coordinator of @National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine and HERE team welcomed the participants and noted the importance and value of the conference for the capacity building of higher educational and told about benefits for transport systems of Partners countries.

During plenary section participants reports of leading professors from Poland, Ukraine, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan reflected the most urgent topics:

  • Challenges of digital reality in the training of specialists
  • Technical team for crisis elimination in transport systems
  • Risk assessment of the technological process of containerized cargo logistics terminals by agent simulation
  • Experience in the teaching of “Humanitarian Logistics” pilot project
  • Air transport risks during a pandemic COVID-19
  • Factors of sustainable development in specialized education
  • Benefits of Erasmus+ projects for the internationalization strategy of the IUHD
  • Information analytics of solve a problem of software reliability evaluation for sociotechnical systems at the conceptual design stage
  • Modeling of human-machine systems for assessing the human factor impact in professional risk management
  • Risk evaluation of the environmental watchdogging in the dangerous cargo supply chains

Reports of the CRENG coordinator from Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan on the results of 2 years of CRENG running finalized the Conference.

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