Online trainings on Digital Economics at PSTU

From February 23 till March 23, 2021 academics from European universities conducted workshops and training for teachers from Ukraine and Tajikistan in the framework of DigEco project.

At PSTU 43 teachers from almost all university faculties participated at the trainings. Despite the project is oriented at economics study, the topics of the trainings are more than urgent in the conditions of modern challenges for higher education, the best practice of modern teaching tools and digital innovations can be implemented in the majority of curricular at PSTU.

Trainings on Blockchain, Innovation management and Disruptive technology, Fintech in banking, insurance and asset management, Digital Marketing in Action , Design thinking, Digital Business Models, Big data analytics and business intelligence, Big Data Analytics in Finance, Agile project management, Digital Performance in Business and Economics, Digital Literacy, Data Analytics for Marketing, Big Data Management were delivered by the academics from European Universities: Prof. habil. dr. Žaneta Simanavičienė –professor at MRU Academy of Public Security, Doctor of Social Sciences; Prof. dr. Rūta Adamonienė – Professor at MRU Academy of Public Security, Doctor of Social Sciences; Marius Laurinaitis – Associate professor, Doctor of Social Sciences, Daiva Bičkauskė, Saulius Kromalcas and Jurij Matuskevichs – Ph.D. students in Economics at Mykolas Romeris University. Prof. Dr. Boštjan Brumen and Prof. Dr. Gregor Polančič from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Institute of Informatics, University of Maribor (Slovenia). Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marina Tropmann-Frick- Professor for Data Science and Prof. Dr. Martin Schultz-Professor for Business Information Systems Department of Computer Science, University of Applied Sciences Hamburg. (Germany).

The objectives of these trainings were to introduce participants to the traversal from Data via information via knowledge to wisdom, to explain what data management is and why it is needed. Topics on innovative teaching methods of machine learning, regression, clustering, decision trees, text analysis, and forecasting, Web analytics and web marketing are also were covered. Modern teaching tools and methodology enabled participants to see the digital advantages as one of the rewarding aspects of the whole process of digitalization.

European academics experience, shared for DigEco participants will help PSTU to modernize current curricula. Next semester the Faculty of Economics of PSTU will start to prepare students to gather, describe, and analyze data, and use advanced statistical tools to make decisions in the marketing, finance and economics area.

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